
About Us


Washington Alliance For Life is a Pro-life ministry that has a mission of getting Pro-Life referral lists that help women in crisis pregnancy situations to get help by referring the woman to agencies in our community that will give them free counseling, maternity and baby clothing and lastly housing (when available).

We also have a ministry for the homeless in our community.

We refer to the agencies on the brochures that we also have on the tables in health fairs and street fairs.  We display fetal models on the table and other brochures of Care-Net referring women to their services.

We also refer women and men to get post abortion counseling.

Our mission is to get the message of life into the schools, street fairs, colleges and universities.


Meeting the first needs:


A. Continued and expanded entry into high schools and college health fairs. These fairs allow us to bring the message of life into our communities. Washington Alliance for Life is striving to gain volunteer coverage for as many of these events that can be staffed.

B.   Not only are we excited to bring the message of life to the campus we are also looking to connect the life resources list with school nurses and health departments. This resource list is one of the expanding community outreach that Washington Alliance for Life has for the first needs we seek to meet.


Meeting the needs of the vision:

A. Washington State has 39 counties with many colleges, schools, and scores of fairs where the message of life is currently unreached. To expand to meet this need will require a manifold vision.

B.  Current goals are to strengthen existing pro-life affiliations and to help foster the development of pro-life groups where there are none found. All of these are part of the long term vision to make a culture of life for our great State.

C. As another long term vision we are looking to connect those interested in assisting out seniors that life is promoted in all stages.

Immediate Need

Funding to buy a tent for street fairs, funding for fees and the cost of brochures and handouts at street fairs, colleges and universities.


Volunteers will go through a short training sessions and be given some literature to study. We don't expect a volunteer to have all the answers. When unsure we always ask new volunteers to pass out the business cards to one of our board members. 

Usually volunteering is 2-4 hours at a fair or table.  New volunteers will be with a seasoned pro-life person.  Volunteering at a table in a health fair is rewarding and so far has been a very positive experience. Sharing Life is in many times saving a life.

We also need volunteers to work on a senior resource list that will be handed to seniors at street fairs.  This is necessary since many seniors do not know how they can get help in the community if and when they need help.

Do you want to know more about us?  Contact us by e-mail or phone. We will be happy to answer your questions.

 Contact page >Here<